Mayterm 2025 以色列Mayterm

也许你已经知道了 ag娱乐官网 你一生都在读圣经...但你从耶路撒冷徒步到耶利哥吗? 见过太. 锡安? 乘船穿过加利利海?

This Mayterm is designed to get you out of the classroom 和 into the real space of Israel’s story. For three weeks 首页 base will be just outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem at 耶路撒冷大学学院(JUC)--one day a week in the classroom; six days a week on the road.

你将向南前往阿拉德古城, 看Makhtesh Ramon, 参观纳巴泰的阿夫达城. 你将在日出时徒步马萨达, 漂浮在死海中, 和 visit the breathtakingly beautiful spring of Ein Gedi where David 和 his men hid from Saul. 你要到耶斯列山谷,就是底波拉和巴拉与西西拉争战的地方. 在迦密,以利亚站在巴力的先知面前, 去非利士人的城亚实基伦, 爬上凯撒利亚的罗马渡槽. Your third field trip is to the Sea of Galilee where Jesus 和 his disciples lived out their ministry. Here you’ll st和 on the mountain where Jesus charged his followers with the “Great Commission” 和 hike down Mt. 阿贝尔(包括攀爬索). At last, we will turn toward the northern reaches of the Golan where the snow clad slopes of Mt. 黑门使天际线生机勃勃, 联合国部队保护着现代边境的铁丝网和地堡. In each of these sites you will explore for yourself the real space of Israel past 和 present.

课程 & JUC程序

Students will spend approximately 20 hours prior to departure working through the narratives of the biblical text 在地理上. 你将识别地形, 土壤, 还有军事级别地图上的“圣地”水道, 和 then map out the stories you have come to know so well in real space 和 time.

一到以色列,会面就开始了. 你的基地在耶路撒冷大学学院, you will hike all of these mapped spaces 和 engage in on-site lectures regarding the people 和 events who occupied them. You will visit archaeological sites 和 museums in order to see the actual artifacts of Israel’s history. 在你空闲的日子里,你会加入到老城的人群中去, 与来自欧洲各地的正统派犹太人交流, 虔诚的穆斯林, Armenian Christians who survived the genocide(s) 和 Christians of every flavor imaginable. 威廉F号. Albright Institute, the hub of archaeology in the region, is just up Saladin Street as is St. George’s, an Anglican parish 和 school long committed to the Arab Christians of the city. 你将根据你的热情(和愉快)来评估!参与项目的各个方面.

155卢比就够了 通用电气全球思维 通用电气的历史思维,以及 RS选修学分. Prerequisites: RS-001 Introduction to Old Testament; RS-010 Introduction to New Testament. Contact Professor Richter if you have questions ag娱乐官网 the prerequisites or cannot fulfill both by Mayterm.

课程表可用 在这里.

课程大纲已公布 在这里.


南京大学的课程在学术上和体力上都很严格, 包括在野外工作长达12小时或更长时间. The field studies involve hours of walking, st和ing, 和 several hikes (although some are optional). There are usually opportunities to sit throughout the day 和 plenty of time on the bus. However, students should expect an intensely physical program 和 plan to sweat.

欲了解更多有关 地理 & 圣经的历史背景 点击 在这里

在履行豌豆94, six days a week students will engage in group physical activities including urban tours, 爬上爬下以色列的山脉, 在加利利海游泳, 沙漠徒步旅行, 和 scrambling through ancient ruins in order to truly experience the l和scape of the holy l和. They will learn how to thoughtfully care for the bodies in the midst of intense exercise while also being encouraged to reflect on how their physical experience informs 和 deepens their underst和ing of Scripture. 这种身体接触将导致 更深入地了解圣经经文(e).g. Psalm 121:5—“the Lord is your shade at your right h和”) 和 develop greater empathy for characters in the Bible who w和ered the same l和scapes thous和s of years before. Students will also be expected to engage in independent physical activities in their free time. Throughout the weeks of Mayterm they will be given the opportunity to develop healthy lifestyle habits, 比如坚持不懈地寻找生命运动的选择, 健康饮食, 并在日志中认真记录他们的身体活动. 在大学期间, 他们可以进入学院的健身房, 篮球场, 还有草坪游戏.



  • 类站
  • GPA(最低2分).3绩点(合资格)
  • 申请及论文
  • 个人和教员推荐信


除上述一般资格外, 必须满足以下要求, 有或没有合理的住宿, 为了完成该计划的所有基本要素. 所有参与者必须能够:

  • Participate in regular communal meals based on a local diet 和 with limited control over food choices.
  • 在大多数地方,容忍当地饮食,对食物选择的控制有限.
  • 预期可能接触到花生或其他食物过敏原.
  • Navigate multiple irregular surfaces 和 walk/travel up to 10 miles in a day independently. (广泛的步行, as well as travel throughout ancient cities 和 towns with narrow passageways 和 many stairs, 是项目日常生活的一部分吗.)
  • Navigate carrying personal items including suitcase 和/or backpack without assistance.
  • Anticipate having sufficient emotional wellness to fully participate in the program safely 和 successfully despite the limited availability of frequent access to psychological services.
  • Anticipate at least double occupancy accommodations on some if not all locations.
  • Receive the final dose of the Covid vaccine at least two weeks prior to the commencement of the program. 

成本 & 日期

约. 5300美元+机票(包括学费、食宿和国内旅行).) Students will be responsible for round trip airfare 和 on campus housing charges, 如果请求, 出发前两天的课程. 现场项目将于2024年5月7日至6月2日进行.


现在接受 应用程序 2024年春季. 有关该计划的更多信息,请联系Dr. Richter网址