Global Education Middle East

As you consider the many options to study off campus, we encourage you to think about what enhances your academic experience overall, and, when possible, your major area of study. Keep this in mind as you browse the programs and talk with your academic advisor(s). The Global Education staff can help you find a program that best fits your needs and interests.

Please be aware that students must first apply to the Office of Global Education for approval to participate in an affiliate program. Deadline to submit an affiliate program application for Fall 2024 is November 30, 2023. Priority will be given to upper-division students and students whose major or minor requires global study. Please contact us at for further information or to schedule an appointment to learn more about the process.

Westmont in Cairo

Westmont in Cairo encourages you to experience another culture from the inside by studying Arabic, navigating your way around the city, and interacting with Egyptians on a daily basis. You will live in Cairo, a developing world megalopolis, pulsating with energy, people and life. You will develop relationships with your neighbors and Egyptian university students. You will, for a season, become an urban person and learn to be comfortable negotiating a foreign metropolitan landscape. You will experience what it means to live in community in a new way. You will also experience the people and cultures of Turkey, and Israel on this semester-long program. (Spring 2023; open to all majors)

Westmont in Jerusalem

Westmont in Jerusalem is both disciple’s journey and student’s quest. It is challenge and reward. It is adventure and exhaustion. Journey beyond Jerusalem throughout Israel, the West Bank, Jordan, and Egypt. Live with host families in Bethlehem where Jesus was born. Hike the Galilee where Jesus spun tales and welcomed outcasts. Float on the Dead Sea, raft on the Jordan River, and snorkel among ruins in Herod the Great’s Mediterranean harbor. Climb mountains to watch the sunrise, ride camels across Jordan’s desert sands, and hear stories from Syrian refugees. After you scale Mount Sinai, descend into Egypt’s pyramids. Cruise the Nile, and wander the old markets of Amman and Cairo, practicing your Arabic. Don’t take the Holy Land speed tour. Stay for a while. (Selected spring semesters; open to all majors)

Middle East Studies Program (CCCU)

Middle East Studies Program (MESP) will immerse you in 6,000 years of history. Located in Amman, Jordan, you will study the region’s diverse religious, social, cultural and political landscape while engaging with the people, values and traditions of the area. Grounded in Christian liberal arts, MESP engages the religious culture and politics of the Middle East. You’ll examine the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from every perspective, live with a local family during a week-long homestay, and worship with your roommates in the morning. You'll sit at the feet of native experts to learn about topics most precious to the region and then serve that region through a long-term service project. MESP is a program though CCCU GlobalEd. (Open to all majors)

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