音乐 专业 & 度

与克里斯蒂安一起发展你的音乐技能和知识 教授 who encourage your creativity 和 relate faith to the art 和 craft of music.

Engage in the serious study, composition 和 performance of great music at an advanced level. Discover the vital role music plays in the liberal arts 和 the Westmont community. 从B中选择.A. 一般的音乐学位, 音乐表演, 和 music composition tracks or earn the professional Pre-Teaching Credential (B.M.获得公立学校教师资格证书的学位. 你也可以选择音乐学士学位.M.) degree in performance with a concentration in voice, orchestral instruments 和 piano. Study at a school accredited by the National Association of Schools of 音乐 (NASM).

(703) 437-0700电话





  • MU 10音乐原理1
  • MU 12音乐原理2
  • 乐团
  • 私人课程
  • MU 110音乐原理3
  • mu112音乐原理4
  • 乐团
  • 私人课程
  • MU 15导电
  • MU 120音乐史1
  • MU 121音乐史II
  • 高年级MU和/或MUA选修课
  • 乐团
  • 私人课程
  • 初级独奏会
  • ART 131艺术理论与批评
  • 高年级MU和/或MUA选修课
  • 乐团
  • 私人课程
  • 高级独奏会



Westmont’s principal choral ensemble 和 touring concert choir, is now under the direction of Dr. 丹尼尔啊. 唱诗班演奏过去五个世纪的经典曲目, 还有灵歌, 民歌编曲, 以及其他文化的音乐. The ensemble presents local concerts including, each year, a major work with orchestra. 学院合唱团也出现在韦斯特蒙特的活动, 在教堂演出, 当地教堂做礼拜的牧师, 并参加地区合唱节. 今年的亮点包括圣诞音乐会和春季巡演. 要了解更多ag娱乐官网学院合唱团的信息,请参阅此 link.



这个精心挑选的团队,现在由. 丹尼尔啊, 擅长无伴奏合唱文学, 包括文艺复兴时期的牧歌和圣歌, 当代的宗教和世俗音乐, 民歌编曲, 灵歌, 还有声乐爵士乐. ag娱乐官网外展是整体的核心. 除了和学院合唱团一起表演, the 室的歌手 performs on its own locally 和 across Southern California 和 the Central Coast. 演出亮点包括秋季合唱节, 圣诞音乐会, 春季合唱名作音乐会, 秋天和春天的室内音乐会, 还有春季旅游. Membership in the 室的歌手 is contingent upon membership in the 大学合唱团.



韦斯特蒙特学院管弦乐团,指挥. 露丝林,执行原创文学,转录和安排. Included in this are works for full orchestra, string orchestra, 和 small ensembles. The study 和 practice includes various style periods 和 composers from the Renaissance through the Twenty First Century. 乐团每学期举行两场大型独立音乐会, as well as a combined Christmas concert with the choral ensembles 和 a major works program in the spring with the 大学合唱团 和 plays for the annual opera production. 通常,管弦乐队由大约60名学生组成. 学院的专家指导管弦乐队的每个部分,包括博士. 金韩洙(小提琴)、金氏博士. 保罗·莫里(管乐器、铜管乐器和打击乐器).



各种风室乐团,由博士指导和指导. 保罗森 和 安德烈·迪·马乔, are organized for brass, woodwind, 和 percussion players. 各种室内乐在整个学期都有演出. Typical groups include a woodwind quintet, 5 brass sextet, brass choir, 和 flute ensemble. 其他合奏形式,以满足学生的兴趣和能力.


爵士乐团表演和研究古典和当代文学, 包括即兴创作的艺术, 在校内和校外都有表演.


A wide range of music from contemporary jazz to hymn arrangements mixed with classical pieces.



提供传统的弦乐四重奏,三重奏和其他合奏. These groups have an active presence on campus 和 throughout the Santa Barbara community. 



Westmont College would love to offer you the opportunity to participate in our Virtual Fall Westmont Invitational Choral Festival. The focus of the festival is pedagogical 和 performance oriented, NOT competition. 

合唱节日期: 星期五,2024年10月25日

提前申请截止日期: 2024年8月16日,星期五

常规申请截止日期: 星期五,2024年9月20日

Choirs who apply by August 16 will receive priority consideration 和 be notified of acceptance by August 23. 之后申请的人将在9月27日之前得到通知.



  • 演出的音乐家
  • 音乐老师
  • 教堂音乐
  • 音乐出版
  • 音乐管理
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  • 记录
  • 广播



艾伦·威尔克,16岁 majored in biology, chemistry, 和 music with an emphasis in piano performance. He is currently an MD/PhD student at Stanford University where he studies how the immune system can protect from 和 contribute to viral diseases, 包括Covid-19. He continues to study piano at Stanford, staying active in solo performance 和 chamber music. 高中的时候, I was worried about finding ways to balance my two academic passions: science 和 music. Westmont provided me with the flexibility 和 resources to pursue both passions well. 韦斯特蒙特大学文科教育的跨学科方法, 与音乐系充满活力的ag娱乐官网相结合, presents a one-of-a-kind opportunity to holistically develop your musical craft.”  

莎拉·菲斯特,12岁: Sarah majored in violin 和 viola performance 和 earned a master’s degree in viola performance with an emphasis in violin Suzuki pedagogy at the University of Hartford Hartt School of 音乐. She taught violin 和 viola at the Greenwich Suzuki Academy in Connecticut 和 is now a violinist with the ruse Opera Orchestra in Ruse, 保加利亚. “Growing up I enjoyed taking private music lessons 和 found fulfillment in teaching. At Westmont I felt called to bring together my love for music 和 teaching to pursue a career in Suzuki education. My 教授 encouraged me 和 provided the tools I needed to pursue my passions. My well-rounded Christian liberal arts education has helped me both professionally 和 personally.”

梅根·西尔伯斯坦·比林斯14岁: She majored in music 和 is working on a Master of 音乐 in opera performance at Oklahoma City University. She is a professional opera 和 musical theatre singer 和 teaches voice 和 piano at Southern Hills Baptist Church Fine Arts Academy.“My Westmont 教授 prepared me academically for graduate school 和 even more for the challenges of the real music world. They equipped me mentally, emotionally 和 spiritually for the battle facing modern musicians. They demonstrated the true foundation of their confidence—Jesus Christ—和 lived out the difficult conviction to make music for God. Westmont pushes students to excel in music for the right reasons: Christ 和 His kingdom.”

卢克·水木,15岁Emily Rutherford Mizuki, 15岁 他们是威斯蒙特大学音乐系音乐专业的一年级学生, 在俄罗斯和立陶宛的合唱团巡演中坠入爱河, 并在从韦斯特蒙特大学毕业两年后结婚. They both went on to earn a Master of Arts in Teaching from the Longy School of 音乐 in Los Angeles 和 currently teach general music, 乐队, 以及奥兰治县公立和私立学校的合唱团. “在Westmont, we were encouraged to explore all the facets of music: composing 和 conducting, 合作与陪伴, 和 of course teaching - before 音乐 Education was even available as a major! Having such a well-rounded education in both the liberal arts 和 music has proven invaluable for us as musicians 和 educators.”