2023年秋季学期 Westmont in Northern Europe

Explore Christ's Call to be Peacemakers


What does “Blessed are the peacemakers” mean for us today? 加入我们,让我们一起前往迷人的地方,与那些亲身了解其国家所面临的冲突并直接参与建立和平努力的杰出人士会面.

Students in Northern Europe


We will visit many places on our journeys, but we settle in for long-term stays in two exciting and beautiful places–Northern Ireland and 柏林,德国–that have known deep conflict and have made great strides toward healing. 

We'll visit two other locations–英国伦敦 and 斯洛伐克–for a week to ten days, just long enough to explore the riches they have to offer, 一些著名的, 有些几乎不为人知.


This will be learning like you've never known–active, integrated, and experiential. Every activity and every encounter, from museum visits to shopping for groceries, is an opportunity for learning. 

课程完成 seven General Education requirements. Even if you have or will fulfill some of these in other courses, 有很多可以使这个项目成为你的通识教育项目取得进步的好方法. 

  • 全球思维
  • Reading Imaginative Literature
  • Thinking Historically
  • Philosophical Reflections on Reality, Knowledge, and Value
  • 外语
  • Communicating Cross-Culturally
  • Physical Education (one semester)
教授 in Northern Europe

“我只听说过的事情变成了活生生的地方和人, with a power I never expected.”

Fulfills GE Thinking Historically & GE Philosophical Reflections



Fulfills GE Reading Imaginative Literature & 通用电气全球思维

Westmont students in Northern Europe


Fulfills GE Communicating Cross Culturally

Student selfie in Brandenburg Northern Europe


Instruction provided by German Language School Berlin

Fulfills GE Modern 外语

Westmont students mountain biking in Northern Europe

“‪I've held an owl and ridden mountain bikes through Narnia. It's not just school abroad, it's an adventure.” 



Dr. Cheri Larsen Hoeckley

Dr. 拉森·霍克利教授英语,专攻维多利亚文学和女性作家. 十九世纪英语文学中大量涌现的全球声音,尤其是女性的声音th 她对全球文学的兴趣与日俱增. 她和医生. Hoeckley have led 12 study-abroad programs together.

Dr. 基督教Hoeckley

Dr. 霍克利是韦斯特蒙特大学加德文科学院的主任,并教授哲学. He has interests in philosophy of science and philosophy of religion, 但最近他将注意力转向探索世俗和基督教思想中正义战争的可能性. 他和博士. Larsen Hoeckley have led 12 study-abroad programs together. 


威斯蒙特大学的学费、标准食宿和项目费用不超过2500美元. You will be responsible for the cost of round trip airfare from the USA. 



本项目欢迎在本学期具有大二水平的学生, 大三和大四学生. 请注意,选择过程中的优先级不会由班级地位决定.

  • GPA(最低2分).3 gpa for eligibility)
  • Application and essays
  • Personal and faculty recommendations


In addition to the general qualifications above, the following are requirements that must be met, with or without reasonable accommodation, in order to complete all essential elements of the program. All participants must be able to:

  • 定期参加基于当地饮食的公共餐,对食物的选择控制有限. 在一些地方,准备参与准备和清理这些餐后.
  • 在多个不规则的表面上行走,每天可以独立行走10英里. (广泛的步行, 以及穿越古老的城镇和狭窄的通道和许多楼梯, are part of the daily life of the program.)
  • 在没有帮助的情况下携带个人物品,包括手提箱和/或背包.
  • 尽管获得心理服务的机会有限,但预期有足够的情绪健康,以安全成功地充分参与该计划.
  • 如果不是所有地点,预计至少会有两个人入住.
  • 至少在项目开始前两周接种最后一剂Covid-19疫苗. 
  • 如果符合条件, 如果距离上次接种Covid-19疫苗或增强疫苗已至少两个月,则应在出发前至少两周接种最新的Covid-19疫苗增强剂. 


No longer accepting applications. 有关该项目的更多信息,请联系Chris Hoeckley教授hoeckley@brewrecords.net.