校园安全 车辆法规

Westmont College has established a set of vehicle regulations under the authority of the California Vehicle Code (section 21113) to maintain the safe and orderly operation of vehicles on the campus and to comply with the Conditional Use Permit issued by the County of Santa Barbara. These regulations apply to all vehicles operated on the Westmont campus and properties under its control. 校园安全 has been authorized to administer these traffic regulations for the College.

The term “motor vehicle” and “vehicle” are defined as any vehicle that uses fuel as a propellant. 轻便摩托车被认为是电动自行车,受这些规定的约束.


1. The California Vehicle Code and Westmont College regulations are in effect on College properties. They are applicable to all students, employees, visitors, and guests of the College.
2. 所有在学校内停放或运行的车辆必须登记, 许可, 并根据加州法律投保. 应要求,必须出示保险证明.
3. Westmont neither warrants the safety of vehicles nor assumes the responsibility for loss due to theft, 破坏公物, 事故, 或损坏,当他们在学校财产.
4. The issuance of Westmont 公园ing permits confirms the privilege of 公园ing and driving a vehicle on campus. Students are not allowed to 公园 motor vehicles on the campus or in the “vicinity of the College” as defined in Section 6 number 1″ without a College 公园ing permit. 停车被定义为无人看管的车辆.
5. 违反这些规定可能会被罚款, 失去未来的许可特权, 纪律制裁, 车辆固定, 及/或拖曳车辆的费用由“车主承担”.


1. 所有在校园内运行的车辆必须在学院注册. Employees and students obtain a Westmont 公园ing permit or temporary 公园ing pass. 访问ors receive a written notification on the windshield which serves as a temporary 公园ing pass. 教职员工通过此表格申请停车许可证贴纸.
2. The person operating or registering a vehicle will be held responsible for all violations, 以及相应的罚款或制裁, 与车辆相关.
3. Temporary 公园ing passes for campus guests and visitors are issued by the traffic enforcement officers and are also available from the Housing Office.
4. The number of 公园ing permits issued is limited to take into account campus 公园ing capacity and to insure compliance with the Conditional Use Permit limitations imposed on Cold Spring Road traffic.

5. Westmont upholds its agreement with the County of Santa Barbara to rigorously enforce the requirement for employees and students to display a valid permit on any vehicle operated on campus. 一年级学生没有资格获得停车许可证. Employees and students operating vehicles found in violation of these permit regulations are subject to $50 fines for each occurrence, 失去未来的许可特权, 纪律制裁, 车辆固定, 及/或拖曳车辆的费用由“车主承担”.


1. 任何人不得停止, 公园, or leave standing any vehicle attended or unattended in any of the following places:

  • 人行道、草坪或景观区.
  • 阻塞任何建筑物的通道、走道或门口的.
  • 离消防栓不到15英尺.
  • 禁止停车区域.
  • 有红色镶边的区域.
  • Handicapped zone marked with blue sign unless vehicle has a State issued handicapped license plate.
  • 未明确标识为停车位的区域.

2. 学生不得在员工专用停车位停车.
3. Student 公园ing in the Kerr Student Center lot is not permitted Monday-Friday from 7:30am-2:30pm.
4 . 校园停车违章罚款25美元.


1. 必须遵守校园停车标志.

2. 行人无论是否在人行横道上都有先行权.

3. 校园里的限速是每小时15英里. The basic speed law of “no faster than safe” could mean the effective limit is under 15 MPH in some cases.

4. 车辆不得在行人路、人行道或景观区内行驶.

5. 校园内违反交通规则的罚款是25美元.


1. The California Vehicle Code has laws that directly impact moped and motor driven cycles regardless of the engine size. 电单车操作员 and 轻便摩托车 larger than 15 horsepower must have a M1 driver’s license. 电单车操作员, 轻便摩托车, and motor driven cycles of any size less than 15 horsepower must have a M2 drivers license. An operator under 21 years of age must go to traffic safety school in order to obtain either of these licenses.
2. 所有电单车操作员及乘客, 轻便摩托车, and motor driven cycles are required to wear a helmet when riding these vehicles.


1. The Westmont College Conditional Use Permit prohibits students from 公园ing on the public streets in the vicinity of the campus except at their place of residence while physically present on the campus. Westmont附近的定义如下:Cold Spring Road, 拉巴斯路, Chelham方式, 斯托达德巷, 帕索罗伯斯巷, Westmont路, 圆开车, 德力士的地方, Cloydon圆, 梧桐峡谷在冷泉路和韦斯特蒙特路之间, 校园上方的山道, 蒙特西托圣约教堂停车场, 和冷泉学校停车场. 此外,学生不得在海岸村路停车, 海岸村圈, 埃莫西约开车, 或蝴蝶巷. These citations are considered 公园ing permit violations and are subject to penalties described in section 2number 5of these regulations.
2. Employees and students are expected to drive no faster than the 35 MPH speed limit on Cold Spring Road. Westmont认为这是一种ag娱乐官网行为期望. 违反这一规定的人将被处以每次50美元的罚款. These citations are subject to penalties described in section 2number 5of these regulations.


1. 所有在校园内运行的车辆必须处于安全的机械状态,包括, 但不限于, 正常工作的消声器, 烟雾设备, 还有燃料箱.

2. No one shall initiate major repairs of a vehicle on the campus without first obtaining the written permission of the Director of the 物理设施.

3. 在校园内禁止乱扔垃圾. Oil changing and other automotive repairs may only be performed at a designated environmentally-safe location at 物理设施.


  • Parking violations are issued at the time of the violation and are posted on the vehicles. Moving violations are sent to the registered owners of the vehicles through campus mail.
  • Traffic and 公园ing fines for students are payable at the Business Office during the normal business hours. Student fines are posted to individual accounts and are subject to late charges after 30 days. 在将费用存入账户时,将发送一封确认电子邮件. Employee traffic and 公园ing fines are payable at the physical plant office during normal business hours. 员工将收到一封确认收费的电子邮件通知.
  • 如果你收到了错误的引用, 您可以通过回复您收到的电子邮件通知提交申诉. Choosing to bring your car to campus because circumstances made it very inconvenient to keep it off campus is not a valid basis for an appeal. It is not possible to approve such appeals and uphold the College’s commitment to the County of Santa Barbara. 你必须在收到通知后七天内答复.