住房办公室 秋季房屋申请流程

每年春季学期, currently enrolled students request housing for the next academic year through the Housing page on their myWestmont门户. This process is normally spread out from February-April to allow ample time for students, ,下面将详细描述.


  1. 提交你的 房屋申请表格 by the 到期日期(s) 针对您所要求的住房类型.
  2. Watch for an email from Housing on the notification date for the type of housing you requested. 这封邮件会告诉你请求的状态. If your request is approved, you will need to attend the room selection event. 如果您的请求未获批准, you will need to return to the request forms to submit an alternative request (if you've not done so already).
  3. 完成你的住房.
    1. 如果您的要求被批准,请参加您的房间选择活动. If at least one member from your group (or your pre-authorized proxy) does not attend and select a room, your entire request may go to the bottom of the list or be removed from that housing option.
    2. OR, 如果你被批准住在校外, submit the 校外 Living Agreement and provide your off-campus location to the 住房办公室.


DOUBLES: All campus rooms are doubles, except for VK and first-year rooms in Page. 请求必须由2人组成才有资格.

TRIPLES: This gives groups the opportunity to request VK or flex-triples (separately from a GLC flex-triple which should be requested using the GLC form). 有两种三元组:

  • VK中的指定三元组
  • Flex-Triples 在阿明顿,克拉克,爱默生和佩奇的案子中.


弹性三人间是指可以根据要求扩大的双人间, 一个学期或两个学期都可以, 使它成为三重构型. Any double room in Armington, Clark, Emerson, and GLC can be requested as a flex-triple. 返回的学生可以要求页面室作为灵活的三倍, but most elect these rooms as doubles and request them as such on the double application. IMPORTANT: flex-triples are limited in number based on our extra furniture supplies and are not guaranteed.

The only 指定的 归国学生的三件套在Van Kampen. VK房不能改成双人房.


日历上的三重请求优先于双重请求, 所以三重请求优先于双重请求.

  • For GLC rooms, use the GLC request to submit a flex-triple request.
  • For all other rooms, use the Triple request to create a flex-triple or to request a VK room. 不要使用双重请求.
  • Each student needs to approve their participation via their student portal in order for the triple group request to be complete.


A flex-triple gives students the opportunity to not leave a 3rd friend "out in the cold". It can also help students who study abroad to have a spot for the semester they are on campus. 例如, a Fall double may choose to expand their room to be a triple for Spring and have a friend returning from study abroad join them!

Flex-triple groups select their room prior to double groups with the same group point average.


  • GLC只适用于高年级和低年级学生. Due to high demand, requests containing one or more juniors are less likely to succeed.
  • A double configuration or a flex-triple can be requested on the GLC form. You do NOT use the Triple form to request a flex-triple in the GLC. 弹性三联体可以是一个学期或两个学期. There needs to be 3 students for the Fall semester to qualify as a flex-triple when we conduct the Fall Housing process. Spring only flex-triples (creating a Spring flex-triple from a Fall double) are considered when we conduct the Fall-to-Spring process in late October.
  • 没有为GLC居民分配膳食计划,因为这不是必需的. This is the only campus 学生宿舍 which does not include the meal plan requirement. 然而,膳食计划是可选的要求. All requests for a meal plan must be requested in writing to the Housing Director (housing@brewrecords.net). 注:通常约1/3的GLC居民要求膳食计划.



  • 校外 由于特殊情况 是一种“SB本地通勤者”(LCSB).“这只是个人请求. 情况必须是可核实的. 要查看可能符合条件的情况列表,请参见 校外 通勤.
  • 校外 通过彩票 也是一种“SB本地通勤者”(LCSB)。.“这只能由老年人提出要求. 这只是个人请求. A random number generator is used to grant a limited number of lottery requests.
  • 校外 海景酒店 编码为“在OV的本地通勤者”.“OV只适用于高年级和低年级学生. 请求必须有3人组或4人组才有资格. Due to expected demand, requests containing one or more juniors are less likely to succeed.

SOLO: This is for individual requests by students who do not have a roommate to sign up for a double or triple room. This form is not used to request a single-occupancy room (read below!).

  • Solo requestors may indicate their location preferences with this form.
  • Solo requestors are likely to be placed with other solo requestors, 或者在有空位的房间里.
  • 单人请求不是指要求单人入住的房间, as we do not offer single-occupancy rooms (except for RAs or as accommodations from the Office of Disability Services).


Consideration is given to students who request as their #1 option to return to their same 学生宿舍 接下来的一年. It does not grant consideration for reserving the same room, as rooms are reserved at the selection events.


仅限住在克拉克高中的学生, 爱默生或佩奇, 正在上升的二年级学生有资格获得擅自占用者特权. There is no squatters privilege for residents in Armington, GLC, VK or 海洋的观点.


When a rising sophomore on upper campus requests to return to their same hall as their #1 choice for next year, 我们会承认他/她的寮屋者的特权. It may be on a double room application, or a triple room application (i.e. 适用于Clark, Emerson或Page的任何可选Flex-Triple请求). 只需要一个学生就可以获得寮屋特权, 但如果两位归来的住院医生同时提出要求, 他们会得到更多的考虑.

在小组请求中,寮屋者不会增加点数. Rather, qualifying squatter's groups are given more consideration in the competition for a limited number of allotted rooms during housing sign-ups.



In the event that not one member of your group can attend to make the selection, the group members should authorize at least one other student to attend and select on your behalf:

  • 代理必须通过发送电子邮件housing@westmont获得授权.至少在你的选拔活动前48小时提交. 您的代理人必须是威斯蒙特大学的在校生.
  • 代理必须参加您的选择事件 在你注册的时候, and you are responsible for communicating your group's selection time to the proxy.


Do NOT wait until the last minute to communicate your proxy to Housing.

If you and your group fail to authorize a proxy in time for your room selection, 或者你的代理没有出现选择你的房间或公寓, 你的小组可能会落在名单的末尾. Housing reserves the right to assign you any open room that is left in that type of housing at the end of the selection event. It is even possible you will be left out of that housing selection and each member of your group may need to START OVER with a new housing request.