
之前 车辆被带到校园!

The request application is normally activated for at least 4 weeks toward the end of the Spring semester or early summer. 房地产 & 停车的办公室 notifies all students by email when the request application is operational. Permit requests received 后 the communicated deadline are less likely to be granted 和 may come with an additional cost or other restriction (e.g. (获得上限许可而非常规许可的老年人).

在那个学期的第一个星期二. 这给了校外学生周一所有的时间来领取和粘贴他们的许可证! Campus residents should pick up their permit from their Residence Life 工作人员 during check-in weekend 和 affix the decal immediately. Off Campus students should pick up their permit from the 学生生活 Office (209 Kerrwood Hall).

在校园内停放或营运的车辆, 或者在校园附近, 必须有有效的临时许可证或学期贴花在所有时间显示. 我们需要电流, valid parking permit to be displayed on every vehicle which is parked or operated on campus by a student, 但我们的担忧超出了校园的范围. Students who park or operate a vehicle in the vicinity of the campus are also subject to citation, 如果他们违反了韦斯特蒙特的车辆规定. 我们特别关注这个ag娱乐官网的车辆使用, 和 we expect students to use good judgment 和 take the vehicle regulations seriously.

Students who have an approved permit will pick up their parking decal at their residence hall during the official check-in weekend. Off campus students 和 students who miss the window to collect their decal from their residence hall must come to the 学生生活 Office (209 Kerrwood Hall) to retrieve it.

未领取的贴花作为保留许可证保留在文件中, 和 students will not be refunded 后 the 10th week of the semester for an un-used permit.


The number of Restricted permits made available depends upon two factors: projected parking space on campus, 和 whether or not road usage by the Westmont community can h和le more vehicles in the area. 我们通常会同意大二学生50个左右的请求. We may be able to offer a small number of additional Restricted permits a few weeks 后 the start of the semester, 但这不能提前确定.

No student should bring a vehicle--including motorcycle/moped/scooter--to campus unless they have been approved for a permit.

检查 停车页面 on your Student Portal to submit a permit request once you have an active Westmont email address.

资格主要基于韦斯特蒙批准的学术单位, 和 your eligibility may be affected by coursework which has not yet been recorded by the Records Office. 如果遇到问题,请与 住房 & 停车的办公室 (housing@westmont.Edu)寻求协助!

  • 如果你在你的 第二年 of college but do not have the requisite number of units on your Westmont record to qualify for a Restricted permit (i.e. 26-58 units), you should ask the 住房 Director for eligibility based upon alternate criteria (i.e. 大学的全日制学期 高中毕业年份).
  • 如果你在你的 第三年 of college but do not have the requisite number of units on your Westmont record to qualify for a Regular permit (i.e. >58 units for a Fall permit; >72 units for a Spring permit), you should ask the 住房 Director for eligibility based upon alternate criteria (i.e. 高中毕业后参加全日制大学学习的学期).

是的. 在两个GLC停车场停车需要一个特定的GLC贴花. A limited number of GLC decals is offered to GLC residents, but not to every resident in the GLC. 如果您是GLC居民,但您没有GLC徽章, 您不得将车停在GLC的任何一个停车场(i.e. 在VK和阿明顿附近).

许可证的费用记在学生的账户上. 在申请时,或在领取贴花时,不需要付款.

A semester permit must be cancelled in writing by email to the Director of 住房 & 停车. 以下是如何确定退款:

  • FULL refunds only apply when the permit is cancelled prior to the start of the semester.
  • PARTIAL refunds are based upon the week in which the reserved or issued permit has been cancelled. 部分退款在学期的前10周按比例发放.e. 10%成本/周 是否实际发行). 十周后不予退款. 一个完整学期的许可证是任何有效的许可证,为期10周或更长时间. 如果学生在学期开始后有资格获得许可, they are billed based upon the number of weeks left in the semester: if at least 10 weeks, 已付全额帐单.

在校园内停放摩托车和小型摩托车需要有有效的许可证. 他们还必须在车管所登记. 这些许可证的费用是普通许可证的一半. 学生不允许同时拥有一辆车 校园里的摩托车/滑板车.

请务必在通知的截止日期前申请许可. 停车 motorcycles or scooters in bike racks is prohibited unless directed by Campus Safety or 住房 & 停车.

违例的电单车/轻便单车/踏板车会被罚款, 罚款, 有一个“靴子”放在轮胎上, 并且失去以后的停车特权. 请联络房屋署 & 停车有问题吗?!


回答由于我们与圣巴巴拉县的有条件使用许可证(CUP), we have certain restrictions that allow us to operate as a college in our residential Montecito neighborhood. 不给一年级学生停车许可证是这些CUP限制之一, 除经政府批准的残疾证明外 残疾事务办公室. If working with ODS, please be aware parking permit request deadlines 和 still apply. There is a limited supply of permits allowed each semester; even if a student qualifies due to a disability, 必须有许可证,否则请求将被拒绝.

C.U.P. states that a first-year student is only eligible for a parking permit if he or she is disabled, or he/she has been approved to reside off-campus by 住房 和 is commuting from 首页. 房地产 & 泊车处没有资格进行医疗评估, so disability must be determined 和 verified by the campus doctor at the Campus Health Center or the 残疾事务办公室. Students with transportation needs may contact the Campus Health Center (x6164 during the academic year) to inquire about eligibility for a medical permit, or other transportation options which may be available through the Campus Health Center. It is extraordinarily rare for first-years to be allowed to reside as off-campus commuters, 但如果这得到了住房委员会的批准 & 停车的办公室 such a first-year would be eligible to obtain a permit from the 住房 & 停车的办公室.

If the vehicle will be operated by a first-year student on the campus or in the Montecito area, 那是那个一年级学生的违规行为.

No. 这就直接违反了C.U.P. 与圣巴巴拉县合作.

假期 & 休息时间

是的, 除了圣诞节假期和春假. Students may park on campus without a permit during Christmas holiday 和 Spring break.


希望将车辆停放在校园内的学生 夏季:夏季的一部分或全部 请与校园安全主管威廉·博伊德联系. Scheduled repairs for the parking lots during the summer will not be known until April. Vehicles should not be left on campus without arranging this in advance with Willam Boyd (wboyd@brewrecords.net).


如果你是上流社会的学生 who brings a vehicle to campus the first week of school BUT are not able or planning to obtain a semester permit, 你应该向房屋署申请短期临时许可证 & 停车办公室在克伍德大厅,直到你可以移走车辆.

如果你是一年级学生,你被禁止获得任何类型的许可证. 如果你携带车辆,必须将其移出校园 之前 学期开始. 车辆不得停在校园附近, 因为这违反了我们与圣巴巴拉县的协议.

是的. 每学期的最后一周不需要签证.e. 从学期最后一天上课到宿舍关闭为止). 任何学生都可以在学期结束时开车到学校.e. 期末考试周),以便回家.