Educational Effectiveness Resources Assessment Resources

What is Assessment?

Assessment is the ongoing process of

  • establishing clear, measurable expected outcomes of student learning
  • 确保学生有足够的机会实现这些成果
  • systematically gathering, 分析和解释证据,以确定学生的学习如何符合我们的期望
  • 使用结果信息来理解和改进学生的学习
    (adapted from Assessing Student Learning by Linda Suskie, 2009) 

Direct Assessment Methods include standardized and locally developed tests, student portfolios, embedded assessments and course activities, and oral examinations (competence interviews)

Indirect Assessment Methods include surveys, interviews, focus groups, and reflective essays

Embedded Assessment occurs within the regular class or curricular activity. 通过主要特征分析与学生学习成果相联系的课堂作业作为评分和评估工具.e., common test questions, projects or writing assignments). 特定的问题可以嵌入到跨课程的考试中, departments, programs, or the institution. 嵌入式评估可以为教学改进和学生学习需求提供形成性信息.

Authentic Assessment 通过评估学生运用批判性思维和知识或执行任务的能力来模拟真实世界的经验,这些任务可能与在工作场所或课堂外的其他场所发现的任务相似. In contrast, 传统的评估有时依赖于间接或代理项目,如关注内容或事实的多项选择题.

Assessment-Review Cycle is the process, also called closing the loop, which is the completion of student learning outcomes creation, data collection, analysis, and reevaluation

Suggestions for Classroom Assessment: One-Minute Paper


  • 在课程结束前一两分钟结束常规课堂讲座或讨论.
  • Ask each student to take out a sheet of paper and write down, anonymously, brief answers to two questions:
    1. What is the big point, the main idea that you learned in class today?What is the main unanswered question you leave class with today?
    2. What is the “muddiest” point?
  • 收集学生的回答(你可以在教室门旁边放一个盒子,学生离开时把他们的论文扔进盒子里),然后快速浏览. It usually takes 5-10 minutes.
  • 你会惊讶地发现,你很快就学会了学生们所理解的内容, what was not so clear to them, and even may get some good ideas about how to begin your next class, in response to these one-minute papers.

The additional benefits of administering this simple test include:

  1. It requires more active listening from students.
  2. 它可以帮助学生自己确定他们在课堂上的表现.
  3. It improves and focuses students' writing. 课堂最后一周的回答通常比前几周的回答更长、更有思想、更清晰.
  4. 它可以帮助学生证明他们确实在课程中学到了一些实质性的东西.
  5. 它可以作为一种用于评估目的的间接评估技术进行记录.

Assessment Glossary

Student Learning Outcomes

  • 学生学习成果(SLO)是在学习经历之后预期的具体可观察或可测量的结果. These outcomes may involve knowledge (cognitive), skills (behavioral), 或态度(情感),提供证据表明学习已经作为特定课程的结果发生, program activity, or process. A SLO refers to an overarching outcome for a course (CLO), degree or certificate program (PLO and General Education SLO), student services area (such as the library), or institutional outcome (ILO).
  • The Basic Features of SLOs:
    • Consistent with the institution/program mission and goals
    • Realistic
    • Few in number
    • Assessable
    • 由教师/工作人员用于设置优先级,并作出有关课程的数据指导决策, pedagogy, faculty support, student support, and resource allocation.
  • Types of Student Learning Outcomes
    • Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
    • Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
    • General Education Student Learning Outcomes (GE SLOs)
    • Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

Assessment Toolbox

Developing Effective Student Learning Outcomes

Bloom's Taxonomy

Curriculum Map:


评分标准是一种评分指南,以图表的形式描述了教师用来评估学生学习的标准,这些标准与特定的学习成果或完成的学生作业有关. 大纲由四个基本部分组成,教师在其中列出学生学习或作业的参数:

  • a task description
  • a scale of some sort, (three-, four-, or five-point scale). 在制定量表时,明确期望是很重要的,但即使学生的表现低于教师的期望,也不要气馁.
  • the dimensions of student learning or the assignment
  • the descriptions of what constitutes each level of performance
    All these parameters are set out on a grid.
  • Holistic Rubrics 没有列出教师对学生表现的要求吗. 它通常包含对每个维度期望的最高性能级别的简短描述, followed by room for scoring and describing in a "Comments" column. Holistic scoring rubrics have three major shortcomings:
  1. It can be difficult to assign scores consistently using this rubric
  2. They do not yield feedback on students' strengths and weaknesses
  3. 它们需要以书面说明的形式进行相当多的额外解释,并且比用三至五级的评分标准进行评估或评分更耗时.
  • Analytical Rubrics 明确记录教师对各级学生表现的标准. It takes time to develop succinct, 明确描述教师在学生表现中所期望的每一个表现水平. 在以下情况下,分析式标题是一个很好的选择:
  1. 教师正在进行重要的评估,其结果可能有助于重大决策,如课程质量, viability and sustainability.
  2. Several faculty are collectively assessing student work, 因为分析性标准的清晰描述使得整个学院的评分一致.
  3. 对学生的优缺点给予清晰、详细的反馈是很重要的.
  4. 持怀疑态度的观众将以批判的眼光审视评分.

Adapted from Introduction to Rubrics: An Assessment Tool to Save Grading Time, Convey Effective Feedback and Promote Student Learning (2005) by Dannelle D. Stevens and Antonia J. Levi and Assessing Student Learning: A Common Sense Guide (2009) by Linda Suskie.

  • Links to useful rubrics:

  • VALUE rubrics

    VALUE(本科教育学习的有效评估)标准反映了全国各地教师对基本学习的期望,而不管学校类型如何, mission, size or location. AACU规则开发团队在可用的情况下依赖于现有的校园规则, other organizational statements on outcomes, 在整个过程中,各个领域的专家和教师都能从校园得到反馈.  每个“价值”指标包含最常见和最广泛共享的标准或核心特征,这些标准或特征被认为对判断学生在该成果领域的工作质量至关重要.

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